Friday, April 27, 2012

From the dentist's chair

I had a most interesting experience at the dentist the other day. I was in getting my final crown on my broken tooth, waiting in the chair, kind of zoning. Three Elton John songs in a row played over the speakers, which was curious... so I asked Dr Wong when he came and sat down: "So, it's an Elton John kind of day, eh?"

He asked me in response "DO you have any songs that when you hear them take you back to a certain place and time?" And the deep conversation was ON!

Kind of hard to have a conversation with your dentist while he is working,

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A breakthrough

So as some who know me know, I believe in the book of grudges. I tend to not let things go.
In a conversation on a related topic at work the other day, I told the story of how as a child I got sick eating a chili dog from A&W, and how I would not eat chili dogs for over 20 years.
I did get over my aversion to chili dogs, but I realized I had never forgiven A&W. So while running errands at lunch, I went thru the A&W drive-thru and bought a chili cheese coney.
It was awful, but I ate the whole thing. I am too stubborn to let mediocre food get in the way of an opportunity for personal growth.
So there it is... proof that I can forgive and grow. To all you haters, remember that you can go in the book really easily.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

a wise man once said....

‘There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth…not going all the way, and not starting.’ ~Buddha

So here I am.  Time to get my thoughts out. I spend a lot of time thinking, and forget most of what I think. So this will be a place for me to write things "out loud", so I can hopefully hear and understand what I am trying to tell myself sometimes.

Did that make sense? I didn't think so.

I wonder how many blogs start out like this... someone making a feeble commitment to starting a new task or path. A lot I bet.

We'll see where this road takes us.